Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Something you hear over and over is "Drink Water!", it has become a do or die statement. So why is it that people lack drinking their recommended daily amount. Even I struggle to drink enough daily, but I am trying! The benefits go further than any other daily consumption, which means it is a no brainer...DRINK MORE WATER!
-Healthier looking hair and skin (hey we all want to be prettier)
-Fuller feeling stomach
-Flatter looking stomach!!!!
The list really does go on and on...I am serious...Google it. 
People always ask why I drink Fiji water and the simple answer is...I like the taste better. To me, water has a taste and I prefer this one! Tap water and bottled water are literally the exact same so do not think you have to spend a fortune, but buying the mini Fiji's are the perfect size for me to take on the go and to the gym! Drink up and enjoy! 
xoxo, MAG

Underrated Fab: Ciara

Most people forget about how perfect Ciara's body really is. The singer/dancer is the definition of sexy. She works out 6 days a week and stays on a low sodium diet but she luckily has good genes. 
Dance also helps this performer stay in tip top shape! Honestly I will say this til the day that I die...put your favorite music on in your room and dance. It is a sure fire way to loose weight and relieve stress. Put on Ride by Ciara if you are feeling really venturous. ;)

xoxo, MAG