Sunday, June 30, 2013

Coconut Oil

Coconut is my favorite flavor in just about anything, ice cream, candles, alcohol...the list goes on and on. I know it is an acquired taste but if you don't own coconut oil I suggest you reconsider! I use coconut oil for ton's of things but let me tell's god's gift to earth!!

Cooking: If you are super health cautious, I advise switching butter and oils for alittle dab of coconut oil. It fights bacteria and some diseases, reduces cholesterol and decreases abdominal fat! It is an all around health food pantry must!

Beauty: One scoop of this bad boy works wonders in my hair! I do an oil treatment once a week where I melt alittle coconut oil over the stove and let it cool a bit. I then massage the warm oil through my roots and ends and let it sit in my hair for 20-30 minutes. Then I just wash it out and do my normal hair routine in the shower. You have to wash your hair atleast twice before you can get all of the oils out. But about two days after I complete the treatment my hair is the softest its ever been and I can run my hands right through it! I also use the extra oil on my body while I am in the shower. 

I am telling you...this is worth the purchase. I get the brand you see above at GNC. Enjoy. 

xoxo, MAG

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