Trust me on this. You may not be registered to vote or even know who is running for office, but you better fake it til you make it sister. The second you are in a conversation and someone (or a hot guy) asks you something about politics and say "ummmm wait what?", you lost them, their respect and your dignity. You may not care, but let's get should. I will give you a few tips and you can do your own research so you can handle yourself in any situation.
The Sexy Hot Lady's Tips to being just as Smart and Fierce as Michelle and Hilary:
- Pick a party: Do your research and pick which team you want to play for. If you are free spirited and love being are probably Democrat. If you love order, structure and old America (me!) you are Republican.
- Read the News!!! Or at least the headlines. You will be able to bullshit if you at least know the context.
- Pick a social cause that you are really passionate about. I love Politics but I am extra excited when I get to talk about the obesity epidemic and healthcare reform because I know all my facts.
- If worst comes to worst...admit to not knowing about something. If you truly don't know say "I honestly am not positive but I'd love your impute" and then let that person get fired up and give their opinion.
- And always wear your politician smile.
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